Give feedback and be thanked ……

That rarely happens, sometimes when I give feedback I don’t get thanked, I get a blank stare or a mutter of defence. Then I am very sorry I took the risk of saying anything at all and keep quiet the next time. Feedback comes with negative connotations, such as rejection, loss of status, fear of … Continue reading Give feedback and be thanked ……

BRAIN POWER, motivate yourself and others to be fulfilled

  From studies in neuroscience, scientists have learned that human beings are wired to seek reward/pleasure and avoid threat/pain.  Analysis of brain patterns have shown that when we are physically threatened or in physical pain, the same parts of the brain are affected as when we feel a social threat such as rejection by others … Continue reading BRAIN POWER, motivate yourself and others to be fulfilled

What’s stopping you from investing time and money in developing people?

Getting a real return on investment for training and development initiatives is not easy, well some bits are easy, but that's not the whole story.... It is easy enough to write the cheque for the programme, give the participants the time off to attend and wish everyone the best of luck: 'enjoy the training and … Continue reading What’s stopping you from investing time and money in developing people?

Performance Review: the 9 to 1 Rule….

Performance management is founded on the concept that we need to look back at the previous year and see what we could have done better and set goals to address this in the following year’s plan. After all my years (and we are talking many, many years) of both participating in and managing performance management … Continue reading Performance Review: the 9 to 1 Rule….